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Pastor Corner

Ihsiu Wang

Pastor of Chinese Ministries

Long Island Abundant Life Church


7-19 East Marie Street,

Hicksville, New York NY 11801

516-938-1245 Phone

516-938-1264 Fax


Our Dream 我們的夢想

Dear Parents,


Welcome to be part of the LIALC Chinese School family (CS).


We have a dream for CS - To make it more than a language school; to help you nurture your

kids to be the persons w. virtues; to let it become our community that we can share our lives

together (parents and kids); while doing so, w. the grace and truth of the Lord Jesus,

to make our lives more meaningful and beautiful and become greater blessings to many .


Frances and I, as a Pastor couple and parents of 3 grown up sons, are having the privilege of "Pastoral Care Day" to meet with you. Through it, we can share our lives w. each other; to pray for/with you for you & your family; or, simply to chat.


If you have any family/personal issues or spiritual questions you like to talk with us, please do so. We are here to serve - not limited to Saturdays only. Sure, your whole family are welcome to join our church activities and services (




Pastor Ihsiu /issue/ Wang     

In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge. -Proverbs 14:26









Frances 師母和我,盼望繼續藉著"牧師會談日"與您能更多分享彼此的生命、為您和您的家人禱告,或只是聊聊天。







敬畏耶和華的,大有倚靠;他的兒女也有避難所。-箴言 14:26 

© 2022 By Long Island Abundant Life Church

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