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To teach conversational Mandarin and to enable students to read and write Chinese.  In addition, Biblical principles will be shared.

Eligible Students
Anyone between 5 and 17 years old before August 31st and is interested in learning and using Chinese Mandarin in everyday life.

Class Time
Classes will meet on Saturdays from 10:00 A.M. to 12:10 P.M. from September to June.

Register before July 1, tuition is $450 including $50 non-refundable application fees. Tuition includes textbooks, exercise books.
Tuition increases based on registration date.
Starting July 1, tuition is $480. Starting August 1st, tuition will be $500, and starting September 1st, tuition will be $520.  
If multiple students from the same family register, tuition will be half starting with the third child.
The school will refund 100% of tuition paid for withdrawals before October 1st, and 50% for withdrawals made before November 1st. No refunds will be given thereafter. There is a $50 non-refundable application fee.  



全學期由九月至六月, 逢星期六上午十時正至中午十二時十分 。         

在7月1日以前報名,每學年學費為$450(包括教科書、作業本 、報名費等)。由7月1日或以後報名學費為$480, 由8月1日或以後報名學費為$500, 9月1日或以後報名學費為$520, 詳情請參閱小冊。

同 一家庭多名學生,從第三個孩子學費開始減半.

學費包括報名費五十元(恕不退還)  。若於十月一日前停學離校者, 本校將全數歸還其學費;凡於十一月一日前停學離校者,本校歸還其百分之五十之學費。 報名費五十元恕不退還 。十一月一日及​以後停學離校者,恕不退費。请将支票和申请表邮寄到我们的办公室地址以下, 支票 抬頭 (L I A L C)

Chinese School Registration


© 2022 By Long Island Abundant Life Church

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