Long Island Abundant Life Church Chinese School
The LIALC-CS has the special team and purpose of love. We desire to bless our community not only by teaching Chinese language and culture, but more so by caring those who come to CS with the love and good news of Jesus Christ. We invite you to come and taste, and also to contribute to make it our family.
Upcoming Event

RE: Invitation to Join Chinese School Parents Breakfast Club on 4-5-25
Hi Parent! This is Margaret from Chinese School / Parents Breakfast Club (PBC). How are you? Any plan to celebrate Spring with your kids & family? We have one for YOU.
On April 5th, we are going to celebrate Spring by making these adorable Lamb Cupcakes, one white & one pink. They are not just yummy but they are so so sooo fun to decorate! Please come to celebrate Spring together in a fun way.
One more note, PBC will have ingredients ready for you. Just come to enjoy great activities, friendship & foods.
Hope to see you on April 5th :)
PBC coordinator
RE: 誠邀參加4-5-25中文學校家長早餐會的活動
4 月 5 日,我們將製作這兩款可愛的【綿羊】杯子蛋糕,一個白色,一個粉紅色!它們不僅美味,而且在製作過程中,會為您帶來無限樂趣!
一如往常,PBC 會為您準備所需用的食材。務必撥空前來參加啊!
盼望4 月 5 日能見到您。
RE: 诚邀参加4-5-25中文学校家长早餐会的活动
4 月 5 日,我们将制作这两款可爱的【绵羊】杯子蛋糕,一个白色,一个粉红色!它们不仅美味,而且在制作过程中,会为您带来无限乐趣!
一如往常,PBC 会为您准备所需用的食材。务必拨空前来参加啊!
盼望4 月 5 日能见到您。